Journey Through Tribal Rhythms:Kohima Imphal Mokokchung Tour Package

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Explore the rich cultural tapestry and natural wonders of Northeast India with our exclusive Kohima Imphal Mokokchung Tour Package. Immerse yourself in the unique charm and historical significance of Kohima, Manipur's vibrant capital Imphal, and the authentic Naga heritage of Mokokchung. Our meticulously crafted Tribal Packages promises an unforgettable journey, blending history, cultural diversity, and breathtaking landscapes.Embark on a seamless exploration of Kohima Imphal Mokokchung Tour Package. Uncover the untold stories of Northeast India as you traverse these enchanting destinations, each offering a distinct cultural experience and natural beauty.Immerse yourself in the cultural extravaganza of Imphal, witness the echoes of history in Kohima, and discover the authentic Naga heritage in Mokokchung with our specially curated package tour. This comprehensive experience ensures you don't miss the unique highlights of each destination.Delve into the heart of Northeast India with our Kohima Imphal Mokokchung Tour.

In the heart of North-East India lies a trio of captivating destinations that beckon adventurers with their unique charm and cultural richness - Kohima, Imphal, and Mokokchung. T. So, let's explore the extravagant beauty of North East India with Kohima Imphal Mokokchung package tour customized by NatureWings Holidays.


Kohima, the capital of Nagaland, boasts a tapestry of history and natural splendour. Steeped in the echoes of the Second World War, the Kohima War Cemetery stands as a poignant reminder of sacrifice and resilience. Beyond its historical significance, Kohima captivates visitors with its serene landscapes and vibrant local markets.


Imphal, the capital of Manipur, unfolds like a vibrant canvas of orchids and cultural diversity. The Loktak Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India, is a spectacle that enchants with its floating islands and diverse avian population. Imphal is also a cultural hub, hosting the vibrant Sangai Festival, where traditional dances, indigenous crafts, and delectable local cuisine take center stage.


Nestled in the picturesque hills of Nagaland, Mokokchung is a haven for those seeking an authentic experience of Naga heritage. The Ao Naga tribes, with their colourful festivals and intricate hand-woven textiles, welcome visitors with open arms.

Day 1: Arrival at Jorhat Airport

As you descend upon the quaint city of Jorhat, let the whispers of the wind and the scent of adventure welcome you. Feel the anticipation bubbling within as you step onto this land of rich culture and natural splendor.

Day 2: Jorhat to Mokokchung Transfer

Venture into the rugged terrain as you journey towards Mokokchung. Along the way, let the landscapes paint a picture of tranquility and the road unravel stories of bygone eras.

Day 3: Mokokchung to Kohima Transfer

As the road weaves through valleys and hills, feel the anticipation build as you approach Kohima, a land steeped in history and adorned with breathtaking vistas.

Day 4: Full Day Kohima Excursion

Step back in time as you explore the historic landmarks and cultural treasures of Kohima. Let each step resonate with the echoes of valor and heritage, leaving an indelible mark on your soul.

Day 5: Kohima to Imphal Transfer

Bid adieu to Kohima's charm and set forth towards Imphal, where tradition and modernity dance in harmony. Let the journey be a reflection of the region's vibrant tapestry of cultures.

Day 6: Imphal Sightseeing

Immerse yourself in the kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that define Imphal. From ancient temples to bustling markets, every corner has a story to tell, waiting for you to unravel its mysteries.

Day 7: Imphal to Dimapur Transfer

As you journey towards Dimapur, let the memories of the past days linger, like precious treasures tucked away in the recesses of your mind.

Day 8: Dimapur to Jorhat [Tour Ends]

As the tour draws to a close, reminisce about the adventures, the friendships forged, and the memories created. Let the journey home be a testament to the transformative power of exploration, leaving you with a heart full of experiences and a mind eager for the next adventure.

What is the local cuisine in Imphal?

Manipuri cuisine includes a variety of dishes with rice as a staple. Eromba and Kangshoi are traditional Manipuri dishes, and bamboo shoot is a common ingredient in many preparations.

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