How Expensive Is Darunavir Prezista

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Generic DARUNAVIR / Brand PREZISTA 300mg / 600mg / 800mg Tablet belongs to the class of anti-HIV medication. Darunavir / Prezista medicine interferes with protease, an enzyme which is needed by cells that are HIV-infected to produce new viruses thus stopping the production of new viruses

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Darunavir 300 mg Tablet (Generic of PREZISTA)

60 Tablets

US$ 180

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120 Tablets

US$ 349

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240 Tablets

US$ 684

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480 Tablets

US$ 1339

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Darunavir 300 mg Tablet (Brand PREZISTA, Janssen)

60 Tablets

US$ 351

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120 Tablets

US$ 688

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240 Tablets

US$ 1362

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480 Tablets

US$ 2696

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Darunavir 600 mg Tablet (Generic of PREZISTA)

60 Tablets

US$ 200

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120 Tablets

US$ 388

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240 Tablets

US$ 760

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480 Tablets

US$ 1488

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Darunavir 600 mg Tablet (Brand PREZISTA, Janssen)

60 Tablets

US$ 373

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120 Tablets

US$ 731

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240 Tablets

US$ 1448

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480 Tablets

US$ 2866

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